Social Media for doctors in private practice
Social Media
Social Media for doctors in private practice
You can use our expertise to get fully customised content for your social media presence. Every post is tailored to the unique needs of your patients.
First, we help you define your ideal patient audience. What conditions are they reading up on? What is the procedure or treatment that they are uncertain about? What information can we use to reassure, educate or prepare the patient?
Quite often, social media content is about the broader topic around your speciality. Diet, for example, if you are a bariatric surgeon. Exercise would be a good topic if you are a knee surgeon. Gut health comes to mind as a subject if you are a gastroenterologist.
We help you with an editorial topics list, to build your profile with educational content that resonates with your patients.
Social Media for doctors in private practice
Social media for your private health practice serves one purpose: your posts keep you top of mind.
That is how more people learn about your expertise and how you grow your influence in your catchment area.

"Content is shared by existing patients who already follow you, and it motivates other people in the community to follow you when the content offers value and we learn from it."
Social Media for doctors in private practice
Social Media for doctors in private practice
Are you ready to explore how an effective social media presence can help you develop your practice?
Book an obligation-free online meeting.