quality content

Google's definition of quality content: the blueprint for a thriving medical practice

Google rarely discloses its internal recipes and when it does, we’re all over it. Because the strategies we put in place for our customers are built on quality content. Discover why Google’s definition of quality content is good news for Digital Practice customers.
Quality content

Google’s definition of quality content: the blueprint for a thriving medical practice

Kris Borgraeve - Co-founder Digital Practice

Kris Borgraeve

October 27, 2021

Content is king. But what is quality content?

What is quality content

When we google, we are not looking for the smartest ad. We are looking for information, answers to a question, a service, a person. So it makes sense that when we have a health concern, we may scroll past the fancy ads and look for real content.

Quality content is information that we can trust, presented in a way so we understand it, presented in a manner that does not cause technical headaches and organised in a way that doesn’t deviate too much from our daily web-browsing habits and expectations. How is that for a definition? Yes, we made it up. But it’s based on hard work, years of experience and the joined efforts of our expert team.

Welcome to the powerful, often underestimated and innovative universe of medical Content Marketing. There is so much more to learn about this topic on this website like the story of two pages that made a huge difference, or the one about the main reasons medical websites sometimes are not ranking on Google.

But let’s stay with today’s lesson and let’s zoom in a little more on what Google is saying.

When Google says “we want quality content” what do they mean?

Google’s take on quality content

Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller at Google is very clear about the latest trend in Google’s assessment of your web content. Yes, you read it correctly. Each time a patient types a topic into Google, in your local catchment area, automated decisions are being made about who will rank on Page 1, Position 1 and so on. In those split seconds.

Today it could be you. Next month it could be your competitor. All of a sudden you could be invisible for ACL reconstruction, endometriosis treatment, gastric sleeve or labiaplasty. If one of those procedures is what you earn a living with, then that is obviously unfortunate news.

Here’s the good news: We understand how Google does all that impressive work in those split seconds. Its algorithms are not just picking random surgeons in the area to make them happy today and offer them Position 1 on Page 1! There is a logic behind it and Mr Mueller helps us understand the philosophy behind the algorithms.

“When it comes to the quality of the content, we don’t mean like just the text of your articles. It’s really the quality of your overall website. And that includes everything from the layout to the design.”

John Mueller – Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google

[Courtesy of SearchEngineJournal.com]
quality content

So what Mr Mueller confirms is what our team has front and centre when they start building a new strategy: Producing effective, powerful and winning content is about presenting the topics about conditions and treatments on your pages in a way that attracts and converts. The team goes the extra mile when they reflect on how the images can be integrated seamlessly with the headers and paragraphs. The development team keeps adjusting and fine-tuning loading speed and delivery on various screen sizes because it matters! Google looks at all this to decide if your great content is actually that great. It’s not just about explaining the knee replacement. It’s how all these elements are executed with precision.

So what does this mean for your medical practice

Quality content for medical practices

An exceptional medical website uses this holistic take on quality content. Not just content that accurately explains a surgery type or a condition, or the services of your medical practice.
An effective, contemporary website uses all the power elements that Google itself confirms as essential:

  • Content that matters: Digital Practice is the only integrated medical marketing agency that brings together medical journalism, advanced keyword research and stunning designs.
  • Site health: The back-end of your medical website matters. What you can’t see under the hood can either help you grow a successful private practice, or it can cost you money year after year.
  • Design: “I don’t need a fancy design” is an easy one-liner but with all this, it can not be an excuse to have a poor layout. Cluttered, cheap and sloppy design with images that take forever to load might feel like a great bargain at first…Until you realise that you lose every second patient lead to the competitor on the other side of town!

The power of Digital Practice and quality content

Digital Practice and quality content

At Digital Practice, quality content starts behind the desk of our keyword researchers and medical journalists. We discuss your key treatments or procedures, and the main conditions that you treat. We map the search volumes and compare local market research with global data on patient search behaviour for your niche. It’s like doing blood tests and comparing your results with benchmark values.
Kris Borgraeve - Co-founder Digital Practice
Kris Borgraeve- Co-founder Digital Practice

"This morning I overheard a Zoom meeting between our content manager and one of our customers. Seeing the doctor’s penny drop is very rewarding. It’s when they realise that hiring us was the right choice. When we can demonstrate stunning results, the reward is even bigger for our team!"

The data on what patients Google for is our roadmap. The editorial work then focuses on creating the ultimate content for each paragraph, for each topic that gets its own page on your website.
Kris Borgraeve - Co-founder Digital Practice
Kris Borgraeve- Co-founder Digital Practice

"We ask questions and we discuss each topic in detail to understand your take on a service. This is what makes your content unique, not Wikipedia-style. Together we build your unique authority with palatable and visible content."

The next step in our well-oiled process is to use your input to optimise each paragraph with data-driven keywords. Our developer then takes over and builds fully optimised pages with Google’s core web vitals in mind.
Kris Borgraeve - Co-founder Digital Practice
Kris Borgraeve- Co-founder Digital Practice

"That is exactly what John Mueller was referring to when he defined ‘quality content’. It’s more than just copy. It’s making sure your images are optimised and don’t bring down your website’s loading speed. It’s making sure the website is laid out logically, in a way users can easily find extra information."

This process – developing and building your lead-generation machine (that’s what we like to call your new Digital Practice website), is the elephant in the room. It takes time to build a quality website. It takes time to optimise all your images for five different screen sizes. It takes time to build a website that looks great on all those different screens.

It’s probably fair to say that it took you a while to get to where you are now, as a specialist doctor? It takes a while for a leading developer to grasp the mechanics of an ever-expanding online world. Ever since we started Digital Practice, we have been keeping up with the latest, and that is what has carried us to where we are now: delivering outstanding results to our happy customers and triggering unanimous satisfaction from our customers.

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Kris Borgraeve - Co-founder Digital Practice

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  • Content Marketing: we co-produce epic content that will boost your visibility. 
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Kris Borgraeve - Co-founder Digital Practice

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